Always keep your childish innocence.

目前分類:詞曲新賞 (30)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要
發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2023-02-25 Eternal Flame (312) (9)
2023-02-05 Nothing's gonna change my love for you (247) (10)
2022-12-24 Little Donkey (65) (15)
2022-12-07 Merry Christmas, Darling (53) (15)
2022-11-13 Ballerina Girl (183) (14)
2022-10-14 作曲家的情書--舒曼:《兒時情景》(Schumann : Kinderszenen, Op.15) (115) (11)
2022-09-21 You Raise Me Up (43) (18)
2022-09-02 How Can I Keep From Singing? (187) (13)
2022-08-22 Walking In The Air (188) (11)
2022-05-29 Did You Not Hear My Lady? (152) (14)
2021-12-24 In the bleak midwinter (62) (5)
2021-12-22 美好往昔(Same Old Lang Syne) (35) (3)
2021-06-20 鏡中鏡Spiegel im Spiegel (216) (7)
2021-06-13 勿忘我(Remember Me) (57) (3)
2021-06-12 勇敢之心 (16) (3)
2021-05-26 幸福搖籃曲 (129) (5)
2015-07-24 約定 (74) (8)
2014-11-02 夏日最後的玫瑰(The Last Rose of Summer) (2022) (17)
2014-09-30 孟德爾頌e小調小提琴協奏曲(Violinkonzert e-Moll op. 64) (751) (11)
2014-09-15 詼諧曲―塔朗泰拉舞曲 Scherzo Tarantelle OP. 16 (1980) (13)
2014-09-04 法雅 : 第1號西班牙舞曲(Falla : Danse espagnole No.1) (2036) (10)
2014-09-01 大海 (64) (12)
2014-08-24 卡門主題幻想曲 (Carmen Fantasy) (394) (11)
2014-08-16 蕭邦小狗圓舞曲(Minute Waltz Op.64/1) (1361) (11)
2014-08-02 拉赫曼尼諾夫:聲樂練習曲 ( 無言歌 ) (4107) (12)
2014-07-01 Don't Cry for Me Argentina (阿根廷別為我哭泣) (243) (9)
2014-06-23 The Wind Beneath My Wings(翼下之風) (2363) (11)
2014-06-14 愛的羅曼史(Romance De Amor) (232) (8)
2014-06-06 倆倆相忘 (101) (8)
2013-10-25 感動的剎那 (71) (9)