Once upon a time, there was a young dragon lived in a tower near an small island.
"He" had no brothers and sisters, so he lived along.
One day, he wanted to see the world, but no one taught him how to fly in the sky.
Therefore, he asked farmers who passed through the tower.
"Hey, guys! Could you please tell me how to fly in the sky or how you guys do that way?" young dragon inquired from a window of the tower.
"What? Fly in the sky? Don't you have wings? Why do you ask about the stupid question?" Farmers laughted.
"Yes! I have wings, but I don't know how to use them..." dragon mumbled.
"Well...May be you could try to jump from the tower and spread your wings." one of the farmers suggested.
"Oh? really? If I do so, is it possible that I will break my leg or something?"
"Only a coward would run from danger! You should try it!" the farmer said that pretty serious.
"Ok...Thanks..." dragon answered.
After few days ago, young dragon stood on the top of the tower.
There were a lots people stood or sat on the grass, they wanted to see the dragon's first fly.
Young dragon walked very carefully near the edge of the roof of the tower.
He jumped from the roof and even didn't open his eyes.
"Hey, hurry up! open your eyes and spread your wings !" all the people screamed.
"OK...Ok..." when young dragon opened his eyes, he saw the ground very very close his nose.
In the extremely delicate situation, he did his best to wave his wings!
"Wow! It's so great! What a wonderful mountains and lakes!" when he finally flew in the sky, he said it happily.
"See! you can do it! You are not a coward anymore!" everyone danced cheerfully on the ground.
"Thank you, thank you! I will never forget you guys!" young dragon flew higher and higher...
Finally, he disappeared in the cloud of the sky.
Many years later, the farmers on the island built a statue on the roof of the tower to teach their children : If you want to do something, don't hesitate about that, do it at once!
Written by Sophie
( 圖 : 取材自網路桌布集, 若有侵權煩請告知, 謝謝. )
(2010/09/03 16:29 Sophie發表於yahoo奇摩"蘇菲的Magic Garden"部落格)